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135 lines (135 loc) · 13.1 KB

File metadata and controls

135 lines (135 loc) · 13.1 KB
Api Car Multirotor
reset Supported Supported
ping Supported Supported
getClientVersion Supported Supported
getServerVersion Supported Supported
getMinRequiredClientVersion Supported Supported
getMinRequiredServerVersion Supported Supported
enableApiControl Supported Supported
isApiControlEnabled Supported Supported
armDisarm Supported Supported
simPause Supported Supported
simIsPause Supported Supported
simContinueForTime Supported Supported
simContinueForFrames TODO TODO
getHomeGeoPoint Supported Supported
confirmConnection Supported Supported
simSetLightIntensity TODO TODO
simSwapTextures TODO TODO
simSetObjectMaterial TODO TODO
simSetObjectMaterialFromTexture TODO TODO
simSetTimeOfDay TODO TODO
simEnableWeather TODO TODO
simSetWeatherParameter TODO TODO
simGetImage Supported Supported
simGetImages Supported Supported
simGetPresetLensSettings TODO TODO
simGetLensSettings TODO TODO
simSetPresetLensSettings TODO TODO
simGetPresetFilmbackSettings TODO TODO
simSetPresetFilmbackSettings TODO TODO
simGetFilmbackSettings TODO TODO
simSetFilmbackSettings TODO TODO
simGetFocalLength TODO TODO
simSetFocalLength TODO TODO
simEnableManualFocus TODO TODO
simGetFocusDistance TODO TODO
simSetFocusDistance TODO TODO
simGetFocusAperture TODO TODO
simSetFocusAperture TODO TODO
simEnableFocusPlane TODO TODO
simGetCurrentFieldOfView TODO TODO
simTestLineOfSightToPoint TODO TODO
simTestLineOfSightBetweenPoints TODO TODO
simGetWorldExtents TODO TODO
simRunConsoleCommand TODO TODO
simGetMeshPositionVertexBuffers TODO TODO
simGetCollisionInfo Supported Supported
simSetVehiclePose Supported Supported
simGetVehiclePose Supported Supported
simSetTraceLine TODO TODO
simGetObjectPose Supported Supported
simSetObjectPose Supported Supported
simGetObjectScale TODO TODO
simSetObjectScale TODO TODO
simListSceneObjects TODO TODO
simLoadLevel TODO TODO
simListAssets TODO TODO
simSpawnObject TODO TODO
simDestroyObject TODO TODO
simSetSegmentationObjectID Supported Supported
simGetSegmentationObjectID Supported Supported
simAddDetectionFilterMeshName TODO TODO
simSetDetectionFilterRadius TODO TODO
simClearDetectionMeshNames TODO TODO
simGetDetections TODO TODO
simPrintLogMessage Supported Supported
simGetCameraInfo Supported Supported
simGetDistortionParams TODO TODO
simSetDistortionParams TODO TODO
simSetDistortionParam TODO TODO
simSetCameraPose Supported Supported
simSetCameraFov Supported Supported
simGetGroundTruthKinematics Supported Supported
simSetKinematics Supported Supported
simGetGroundTruthEnvironment Supported Supported
getImuData Supported Supported
getBarometerData Supported Supported
getMagnetometerData Supported Supported
getGpsData Supported Supported
getDistanceSensorData Supported Supported
getLidarData TODO TODO
simGetLidarSegmentation TODO TODO
simFlushPersistentMarkers TODO TODO
simPlotPoints TODO TODO
simPlotLineStrip TODO TODO
simPlotLineList TODO TODO
simPlotArrows TODO TODO
simPlotStrings TODO TODO
simPlotTransforms TODO TODO
simPlotTransformsWithNames TODO TODO
waitOnLastTask Supported Supported
cancelLastTask Supported Supported
startRecording TODO TODO
stopRecording TODO TODO
isRecording TODO TODO
simSetWind TODO Supported
simCreateVoxelGrid TODO TODO
simAddVehicle TODO TODO
listVehicles Supported Supported
getSettingsString Supported Supported
takeoffAsync NA Supported
landAsync NA Supported
goHomeAsync TODO Supported
moveByVelocityBodyFrameAsync NA Supported
moveByVelocityZBodyFrameAsync NA Supported
moveByAngleZAsync Deprecated Deprecated
moveByAngleThrottleAsync Deprecated Deprecated
moveByVelocityAsync NA Supported
moveByVelocityZAsync NA Supported
moveOnPathAsync NA Supported
moveToPositionAsync NA Supported
moveToGPSAsync NA Supported
moveToZAsync NA Supported
moveByManualAsync NA Supported
rotateToYawAsync NA Supported
rotateByYawRateAsync NA Supported
hoverAsync NA Supported
moveByRC NA Supported
moveByMotorPWMsAsync NA Supported
moveByRollPitchYawZAsync NA Supported
moveByRollPitchYawThrottleAsync NA Supported
moveByRollPitchYawrateThrottleAsync NA Supported
moveByRollPitchYawrateZAsync NA Supported
moveByAngleRatesZAsync NA Supported
moveByAngleRatesThrottleAsync NA Supported
setAngleRateControllerGains NA Supported
setAngleLevelControllerGains NA Supported
setVelocityControllerGains NA Supported
setPositionControllerGains NA Supported
getMultirotorState NA Supported
getRotorStates NA Supported
setCarControls Supported NA
getCarState Supported NA
getCarControls Supported NA