##What is it? Our mission is to make San Francisco community aware of current Homeless problem in the city and get small businesses support society focusing on homelessness.
We are a team dedicated to providing support to homeless with the help of small businesses. We are here to make our society better and become more social responsible.
To facilitate this we have developed a website that will make it easy for a homeless to find resources with in the small business community.
- Ruby
- Rails
- Javascript
- React
- Googe Map API
- PostgreSQL
- JQuery
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
- Heroku
- Fatma Ocal
- Jason Xu
- Jorge Ortiz
##To run locally via the command line:
- git clone https://github.com/1UnboundedSentience/HelpMyNeighbor.git
- cd HelpMyNeighbor
- bundle install
- rake db:create
- rake db:migrate
- rake db:seed
- rails server
- http://localhost:3000/