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334 lines (281 loc) · 14.6 KB

FortiSIEM Useful Info and Commands

Default Credentials

'root' Password - OS

Username Password
root ProspectHills

'admin' Password - Web UI

Username Password
admin admin*1

FortiSIEM Supervisor/Supervisor Follower/Worker/Collector/Manager Installation Script


Install Log path


Proxy configuration for Internet Access

Create a file /etc/profile.d/ and add the following content

export http_proxy="$PROXY_URL"
export https_proxy="$PROXY_URL"
export ftp_proxy="$PROXY_URL"
export no_proxy=",localhost,<SUPER-IP>"

Edit the /etc/yum.conf file and add the following content


Execute the script file in current shell environment

source /etc/profile.d/

URLs to be permitted via proxy

FortiSIEM Collector - Proxy confguration on Service Provider Deployment

Create a file /etc/httpd/conf.d/agent-proxy.conf and add the following content

ProxyPass /phoenix/rest/register/windowsAgent https://<Super-IP>/phoenix/rest/register/windowsAgent
ProxyPassReverse /phoenix/rest/register/windowsAgent https://<Super-IP>/phoenix/rest/register/windowsAgent
ProxyPass /phoenix/rest/windowsAgent/update https://<Super-IP>/phoenix/rest/windowsAgent/update
ProxyPassReverse /phoenix/rest/windowsAgent/update https://<Super-IP>/phoenix/rest/windowsAgent/update

ProxyPass /WinAgentUpgrade/FSMLogAgent.exe https://<Super-IP>/WinAgentUpgrade/FSMLogAgent.exe
ProxyPassReverse /WinAgentUpgrade/FSMLogAgent.exe https://<Super-IP>/WinAgentUpgrade/FSMLogAgent.exe
ProxyPass /WinAgentUpgrade/AutoUpdate.exe https://<Super-IP>/WinAgentUpgrade/AutoUpdate.exe
ProxyPassReverse /WinAgentUpgrade/AutoUpdate.exe https://<Super-IP>/WinAgentUpgrade/AutoUpdate.exe

SSLProxyEngine on
SSLProxyVerify none
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off

FortiSIEM Binaries


View/Verify License Information

phLicenseTool --verify
phLicenseTool --show
phLicenseTool --support

Show PostgreSQL DB Password

phLicenseTool --showDatabasePassword

Show Redis Password

phLicenseTool --showRedisPassword

System Information

PostgreSQL Log

cat /cmdb/data/pg_log/postgresql.log

View FortiSIEM System Services Status

phstatus -a/--all # Detailed status of all FortiSIEM processes along with EPS and local I/O rates

Start/Stop System Services

All Services

phtools --start ALL
phtools --stop ALL
killall -9 ph<process-name> # Restart a ph process
phxctl [start|stop|reboot] # Clean Stop/Start/Reboot

Specific Service

phtools --start ph<process-name>
phtools --stop ph<process-name>


phtools --start phDataPurger
phtools --stop phDataPurger

Statistics of System Services

phtools --stats ALL
phtools --stats ph<process-name>

Change the Log Level of System Services

Log Level
phtools --changelog <log-level> ALL
phtools --changelog <log-level> ph<process-name>
killall -10 ph<process-name> # Turn on debug mode for a 'ph' process
killall -10 ph<process-name> # Turn off debug mode if it's already enabled

FortiSIEM Heath Check <super-ip> -u ec2-user -k <ssh-key> -n <no._of_nodes> -o fsm-aws.txt <super-ip> -u <user> -p <password> -n <no._of_nodes> -o fsm-remote.txt -local -o fsm-local.txt

Register/Renew a FortiSIEM Collector Node

phProvisionCollector --add <user> '<password>' <Super IP or Hostname> <Organization> <CollectorName>
phProvisionCollector --update <user> '<password>' <Super IP or Hostname> <Organization> <CollectorName>


If the Collector Node does not automatically reboot after successful registration, please check the DNS resolution of the Supervisor Node from the collector.

Remove a FortiSIEM Collector Node

Log into PostgreSQL Database

psql -U phoenix phoenixdb

Update the Table

update ph_sys_collector set natural_id = '' where name = '<collector name>'

Collect Back-end Logs for Fortinet Support

phziplogs <directory> <no._of_days>


phziplogs /tmp/support-case 2

Verify APP_SERVER_HOST Configuration

grep APP_SERVER_HOST /opt/phoenix/config/phoenix_config.txt

Change the priority of the Parsers

Edit the /opt/phoenix/config/xml/parserOrder.csv file


SyslogNGParser is always applied first and its priority is set to 0
For parser with event format recognizer, use priority from 1 to 999
For parser without event format recognizer, use priority from 10000 to 19999
For parser not specified in this file, if it has an event format recognizer, its priority is set to 1000
If it has no event format recognizer, its priority is set to 20000

Diagnostic CLI Commands

phtools --change-log DEBUG          # Change ph process logging level from INFO to DEBUG
killall -9 ph<process-name>         # Restart a ph process
killall -10 ph<process-name>        # Turn on DEBUG mode for a ph process
killall -10 ph<process-name>        # Turn off DEBUG mode for a ph process

Rebuild App Server

cd /opt/phoenix/deployment/
./ phoenix.ear --force

Check SNMP Connectivity


snmpwalk -c <community_string> -v <version> <ip>


snmpwalk -c public - v 2c


Parameter Value
securityLevel noAuthNoPriv / authNoPriv / authPriv
authProtocol MD5 / SHA
privProtocol AES / DES
snmpwalk -v3 -u <user> -l <securityLevel> -a <authProtocol> -A '<authKey>' -x <privProtocol> -X '<privKey>'


snmpwalk -v3 -u snmpv3user -l authPriv -a SHA -A 'SHAPassword' -x AES -X 'AESPassword'

Check WMI Connectivity

checkWMIMonitorability <ip> <domain> <user> '<password>' <output_file>


checkWMIMonitorability pandora wmiuser 'WMIPassword' wmitest.txt

Check WMI Permissions and Access

wmic -U <domain>/<user> //<ip> <query>


wmic -U pandora/wmiuser // "select Domain from Win32_ComputerSystem"

Check JDBC Connectivity <jdbc-type> <host-ip> <host-port> <dbname> <username> <password> <sqlStat> <timeout> [auth-type]

Example oracle '10.x.x.x' 1521 DNName user 'pass!2!' 'select count(*) from unified_audit_trail;' 120

FortiSIEM Collector Event Buffer

Collectors can buffer events in case events cannot be uploaded fast enough to Worker(s) or Supervisor nodes or they are unavailable for a period of time. Events are stored in compressed format in the following location /opt/phoenix/cache/parser/events before being sent to Worker(s) or Supervisor nodes. By default, a maximum of 10K files are stored and each file has a maximum uncompressed file size of 10MB.

Increase Collector Event Buffer Size

When the number of files reaches the limit, events are dropped by the Collector. To change this limit, modify the following line in /opt/phoenix/config/phoenix_config.txt.

[BEGIN phEventPackager]

In case your Collectors are forwarding events to a 3rd party server, there is a similar limit of 10K files of events stored in /opt/phoenix/cache/parser/fwd. When this limit is reached, newer events are not forwarded. To change this limit, modify the following line in /opt/phoenix/config/phoenix_config.txt.

[BEGIN phEventForwarder]


You may need to increase the size of /opt disk if you significantly increase the number of files stored. For configuration information on how to increase your /opt disk size, see Collector with Different OPT Disk Sizes in the ESX Install Guide.

Automated CMDB Disk Space Management

If the CMDB disk partition becomes full, then the system may not work correctly. To prevent this from happening, 6.3.2 introduced a CMDB disk space management framework.

Three parameters are introduced in phoenix_config.txt.

  • month_retain_limit: Number of months for which incidents on the Supervisor node should be retained (default value 6 months).
  • cmdb_disk_space_low_threshold (in MB): When free CMDB disk space falls below this defined threshold, disk management kicks in (default value 50MB).
  • cmdb_disk_space_high_threshold (in MB): When disk management kicks in, incidents are purged until CMDB disk space reaches this defined threshold (default value 100MB).

Two audit events are introduced.

  • PH_AUDIT_CMDB_DISK_PRUNE_SUCCESS: This event indicates that free CMDB disk space fell below the low threshold (cmdb_disk_space_low_threshold) and old incidents and identity / location data were pruned to bring the free CMDB disk space above the high threshold (cmdb_disk_space_high_threshold).
  • PH_AUDIT_CMDB_DISK_PRUNE_FAILED: This event indicates that free CMDB disk space fell below the low threshold (cmdb_disk_space_low_threshold) and in spite of pruning older incidents and identity / location data, free CMDB disk space stays below the high threshold (cmdb_disk_space_high_threshold). To remedy this situation, the user must reduce the number of months of incidents and identity / location data in CMDB (month_retain_limit).

Two system defined rules are included.

  • FortiSIEM: CMDB Disk space low - Prune successful.
  • FortiSIEM: CMDB Disk space low - Prune failed to keep free disk space above high threshold.

FortiSIEM System Event Categories

System Event Category Description Counted in EPS License phstatus -a outout Stored in DB?
0 External events and not flow events (e.g. syslog, SNMP Trap, Event pulling) Yes EPS Yes
1 Incidents (events that begin with PH_RULE) No EPS INTERNAL No
2 FortiSIEM Audit Events (events that begin with PH_AUDIT) No EPS INTERNAL Yes
3 FortiSIEM Internal system logs, free format No EPS INTERNAL Yes
4 External flow events (Netflow, Sflow) Yes EPS Yes
5 FortiSIEM Internal health events for summary dashboards No EPS INTERNAL Yes
6 FortiSIEM Performance Monitoring events (events that begin with PH_DEV_MON) Yes EPS PERF Yes
7 AO Beaconing events No EPS INTERNAL Yes
8 FortiSIEM Real Time Performance Probe Events No EPS INTERNAL No
99 FortiSIEM Internal Rule Engine No EPS INTERNAL No
1,100 Incidents (events that begin with PH_RULE). When using "System Event Category IN 1,100" the eventDB is queried for incident events. Every time an incident is triggered, including subsequent triggers of the same incident an event is stored in the eventDB. No EPS INTERNAL Yes