The RC1 release mainly focuses on improving the user experience, and fixing bugs.
- Support new models: FoveaBox, RepPoints and FreeAnchor.
- Add a Dockerfile.
- Add a jupyter notebook demo and a webcam demo.
- Setup the code style and CI.
- Add lots of docstrings and unit tests.
- Fix lots of bugs.
Breaking Changes
- There was a bug for computing COCO-style mAP w.r.t different scales (AP_s, AP_m, AP_l), introduced by #621. (#1679)
Bug Fixes
- Fix a sampling interval bug in Libra R-CNN. (#1800)
- Fix the learning rate in SSD300 WIDER FACE. (#1781)
- Fix the scaling issue when
. (#1730) - Fix typos. (#1721, #1492, #1242, #1108, #1107)
- Fix the shuffle argument in
. (#1693) - Clip the proposal when computing mask targets. (#1688)
- Fix the "index out of range" bug for samplers in some corner cases. (#1610, #1404)
- Fix the NMS issue on devices other than GPU:0. (#1603)
- Fix SSD Head and GHM Loss on CPU. (#1578)
- Fix the OOM error when there are too many gt bboxes. (#1575)
- Fix the wrong keyword argument
in HTC. (#1573) - Process masks and semantic segmentation in Expand and MinIoUCrop transforms. (#1550, #1361)
- Fix a scale bug in the Non Local op. (#1528)
- Fix a bug in transforms when
is None. (#1498) - Fix a bug when
is None. (#1497) - Pass the device argument to
. (#1478) - Fix the data pipeline for test_robustness. (#1476)
- Fix the argument type of deformable pooling. (#1390)
- Fix the coco_eval when there are only two classes. (#1376)
- Fix a bug in Modulated DeformableConv when deformable_group>1. (#1359)
- Fix the mask cropping in RandomCrop. (#1333)
- Fix zero outputs in DeformConv when not running on cuda:0. (#1326)
- Fix the type issue in Expand. (#1288)
- Fix the inference API. (#1255)
- Fix the inplace operation in Expand. (#1249)
- Fix the from-scratch training config. (#1196)
- Fix inplace add in RoIExtractor which cause an error in PyTorch 1.2. (#1160)
- Fix FCOS when input images has no positive sample. (#1136)
- Fix recursive imports. (#1099)
- Print the config file and mmdet version in the log. (#1721)
- Lint the code before compiling in travis CI. (#1715)
- Add a probability argument for the
transform. (#1651) - Update the PyTorch and CUDA version in the docker file. (#1615)
- Raise a warning when specifying
in non-distributed training. (#1624, #1651) - Beautify the mAP printing. (#1614)
- Add pre-commit hook. (#1536)
- Add the argument
to backbones. (#1475) - Add lots of docstrings and unit tests, thanks to @Erotemic. (#1603, #1517, #1506, #1505, #1491, #1479, #1477, #1475, #1474)
- Add support for multi-node distributed test when there is no shared storage. (#1399)
- Optimize Dockerfile to reduce the image size. (#1306)
- Update new results of HRNet. (#1284, #1182)
- Add an argument
in FPN. (#1240) - Test the compiling in CI. (#1235)
- Move docs to a separate folder. (#1233)
- Add a jupyter notebook demo. (#1158)
- Support different type of dataset for training. (#1133)
- Use int64_t instead of long in cuda kernels. (#1131)
- Support unsquare RoIs for bbox and mask heads. (#1128)
- Manually add type promotion to make compatible to PyTorch 1.2. (#1114)
- Allowing validation dataset for computing validation loss. (#1093)
- Use
instead of.type()
to suppress some warnings. (#1070)
New Features
- Add an option
to compute the AP for each class. (#1549) - Implement "FreeAnchor: Learning to Match Anchors for Visual Object Detection". (#1391)
- Support Albumentations for augmentations in the data pipeline. (#1354)
- Implement "FoveaBox: Beyond Anchor-based Object Detector". (#1339)
- Support horizontal and vertical flipping. (#1273, #1115)
- Implement "RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection". (#1265)
- Add test-time augmentation to HTC and Cascade R-CNN. (#1251)
- Add a COCO result analysis tool. (#1228)
- Add Dockerfile. (#1168)
- Add a webcam demo. (#1155, #1150)
- Add FLOPs counter. (#1127)
- Allow arbitrary layer order for ConvModule. (#1078)
- Implement lots of new methods and components (Mixed Precision Training, HTC, Libra R-CNN, Guided Anchoring, Empirical Attention, Mask Scoring R-CNN, Grid R-CNN (Plus), GHM, GCNet, FCOS, HRNet, Weight Standardization, etc.). Thank all collaborators!
- Support two additional datasets: WIDER FACE and Cityscapes.
- Refactoring for loss APIs and make it more flexible to adopt different losses and related hyper-parameters.
- Speed up multi-gpu testing.
- Integrate all compiling and installing in a single script.
- Up to 30% speedup compared to the model zoo.
- Support both PyTorch stable and nightly version.
- Replace NMS and SigmoidFocalLoss with Pytorch CUDA extensions.
- Migrate to PyTorch 1.0.
- Add support for Deformable ConvNet v2. (Many thanks to the authors and @chengdazhi)
- This is the last release based on PyTorch 0.4.1.
- Add support for Group Normalization.
- Unify RPNHead and single stage heads (RetinaHead, SSDHead) with AnchorHead.
- Add SSD for COCO and PASCAL VOC.
- Add ResNeXt backbones and detection models.
- Refactoring for Samplers/Assigners and add OHEM.
- Add VOC dataset and evaluation scripts.
- Add SingleStageDetector and RetinaNet.
- Add Cascade R-CNN and Cascade Mask R-CNN.
- Add support for Soft-NMS in config files.
- Add support for custom datasets.
- Add a script to convert PASCAL VOC annotations to the expected format.
- Add BBoxAssigner and BBoxSampler, the
field in config files are restructured. ConvFCRoIHead
are renamed toConvFCBBoxHead
for consistency.