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Server Side Encryption

This workshop demonstrates server side encryption using AWS KMS and S3

Let's look at some concepts :

Let's do some server side encryption

Open the Cloud9 IDE environment called workshop-environment and navigate to the data-protection/usecase-1 directory. Follow the instructions below:

1. Run the module named

This module will create a KMS master key with the key alias kms_key_sse_usecase_1 . In the following steps we will refer to this master key using the alias. Browse to the KMS console and you should find the key alias kms_key_sse_usecase_1 under customer managed keys

2. Run the module named

This module uploads the plaintext_u.txt file to an S3 bucket named dp-workshop-builderXXXX. Before the file is stored on S3 it is server side encrypted using the KMS key alias kms_key_sse_usecase_1

3. Inspect the encrypted file in S3

In the AWS console, navigate to the S3 service and look for the bucket named dp-workshop-builderXXXX. In the bucket there should be a file called encrypted_e.txt. This file was encrypted using a Data key under the KMS master key key_sse_usecase_1. Take a look at the properties of the file encrypted_e.txt. You will find that it's encrypted using AWS-KMS as shown in the picture below:

4. Compare the decrypted file from S3 with the original

The python module does a S3 getobject API Call on encrypted_e.txt which is decrypted by the S3 service and retrieved over TLS into your Cloud9 environment. In the folder usecase-1 ,you should see a file called plaintext_cycled_u.txt. Compare its contents to the original file named plaintext_u.txt.

5. Run the module named

This modules deletes the kms key and it's alias that we created in and also deletes all the files that were created in the usecase-1 folder. Please remember that when you run and you want to re-run this use case, you will have to start from the beginning.