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Modifying or Replacing a VFX

ocealot edited this page Nov 19, 2021 · 4 revisions

Once you have made changes to a VFX, click the green "UPDATE" button to reflect those changes.

Editing an Existing VFX

Select the VFX you wish to modify in both the "Data Source" and "Preview On" fields.

Tweaking a VFX

If you wish to just modify a VFX, select it in BOTH the "Loaded VFX" and "VFX Being Replaced" fields.

Replacing a VFX

Select the new VFX in the "Loaded VFX" field, and the one you wish to replace in the "VFX Being Replaced" field.

Exporting your Changes

The changes you make with VFXEditor are temporary. In order to make them permanent, you will need to export them as a Textools or Penumbra mod. This can be done by clicking the save icon.