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Example: Replacing Fire animation with Fell Cleave

ocealot edited this page Aug 4, 2022 · 2 revisions

The added complexity from this comes from the fact that Fire is an animation in action.pap, while Fell Cleave does not. We cannot simply replace action.pap, since it contain almost 100 animations used across all jobs.

First, open the .pap of Fell Cleave, and click "Havok Export". Also note that the "Havok Index" of Fell Cleave is 0. For this specific example, it is not important, but if this value is anything other than 0, make sure you remember it.


Next, open the File .tmb file and find the animation Id. In this case, it is cbbm_mgc_thm_3.


Open the Fire animation (action.pap) as both the "Loaded PAP" and "PAP Being Replaced" and navigate to cbbm_mgc_thm_3.


Click "Import Havok" and select the .hkx file you exported earlier. Also note that "Imported Havok Index" field. You can leave it at 0 in this case, but it should always match "Havok Index" from earlier.


Click "UPDATE" and test.